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YSI-ProODO Optical Dissolved Oxygen Instrument

The YSI ProODO and ProSolo dissolved oxygen meters utilize ODO® technology, an optical-based sensor, to measure dissolved oxygen.

(+86)010-5653 8958
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Optical Dissolved Oxygen Instrument

Optical-based sensors drift less than membrane-covered sensors and are capable of holding their calibration for several months. In addition, ODO sensors require less maintenance, as there are no membranes to change and no electrodes to polish. ODO is a non-consumptive technology - oxygen is not consumed during the measurement. Therefore, no stirring is required for accurate measurements, resulting in accurate data collection every time.



Field Worthy
The ProODO instrument meets the demands of true field work. The instrument is rated waterproof to IP-67 standards even without the
battery cover on and the cable disconnected. Our rigorous instrument testing includes 1-meter drop tests from all angles to ensure
field-durability. Other tough features include:
* 3-year instrument warranty and a 2-year cable and probe warranty
* Metal Military Spec (MS) connectors
* Rubber over-molded case
* Field tested cables
* Rugged, weighted probe guard
* Made in the USA

EPA Approved Methodology
The optical BOD (OBOD) sensor utilizes EPA approved methodology for wastewater compliance reporting of BOD and CBOD, while ODO probe/cable assemblies utilize EPA approved methodology for compliance reporting of DO.

The ProODO provides versatility with numerous benefits from the following features:
* 5,000 data-set memory
* Expanded DO range of 0-500% (0-50 mg/L)
* OBOD optical, self-stirring BOD probe for the lab
* One instrument for the lab and field
* Calibration password protection
* Backlit display and keypad
* Graphic display visible with polarized sunglasses
* Multiple languages (see specifications)
* 100 folders and site lists for logging data with user defined fields

Connect any length cable and probe to the ProODO digital instrument and use the convenient cable management kit to keep everything
simple and organized. Convenient features include:
* Cable options from 1- to 100-meters including a cable management kit on 4-meter and longer cables; laboratory BOD probe
* Detailed on-board Help
* Detailed GLP data (calibration records)
* Digital based sensors are automatically recognized by the instrument and hold their calibration
* USB and communication saddle included
* Soft and hard-sided carrying cases available
* Flow cell available
* Cable weight available
* Belt clip available
* Tripod available


Dissolved Oxygen 0 to 200% air saturation ± 1% of the reading or ± 1% air saturation, whichever is greater; 200 to 500% air
saturation ± 10% of the reading; 0 to 20 mg/L ± 0.1 mg/L or ± 1% of reading, whichever is greater; 20 to 50 mg/L ± 10% of the
reading | Temperature ± 0.2°C | Barometer ± 1.5 mmHg from 0 to 50°C
CertificationsRoHS, CE, WEEE, C-Tick, VCCI, IP-67 (waterproof), 1-meter drop test, Made in USA
Connectivity / CommunicationsUSB 2.0 for data transfer and user-upgradeable instrument firmware. Communications saddle, USB cable and Data Manager software
ConnectorMetal MS (military spec) waterproof with bayonet lock
Data Management5000 data set memory in ProODO with 100 user-defined sites and site names. Data Manager desktop software included.
Desktop Software CompatibleData Manager desktop software included. Minimum PC requirements - Windows 2000 with SP4 (minimum) or XP with SP2 (minimum), Vista
7 or Windows 8 | 300 MHz or higher Pentium-compatible CPU | 128 MB of RAM or higher | 80 MB or more of free hard-disk space.
Digital / Digital SensorsYes
Equipment used withProODO cable and probe assemblies, ProOBOD
GLP ComplianceYes, detailed GLP information is stored and is available to view, download or print
Graphic DisplayGraphic display can be seen in any lighting condition and with polarized glasses | Backlit display AND keypad | Includes detailed
on-board Help
LanguagesJapanese, Polish, English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese
Logging CapabilitiesSingle or Continuous
Measurement RangeDissolved Oxygen 0 to 500% air saturation, 0 to 50 mg/L | Temperature -5 to 70°C (DO compensation from -5 to 50°C) | Barometer 375
to 825 mmHg | Salinity Input Range 0 to 70 ppt (manual input)
Memory100 GLP files, 5,000 data sets (data, date, time, user-defined info)
MultiparameterYes - Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, and Barometric Pressure
Operating Temperature-10 to 60°C
Parameters MeasuredDissolved Oxygen with an optical sensor, Temperature, Built-in barometer
Power2 alkaline C-cells provide 80 continuous hours at ambient temperature without backlight, ProComm II saddle provides USB power or
optional wall power, cigarette lighter, and universal cell phone charger options
ResolutionDissolved Oxygen 0.1% air saturation, 0.01 or 0.1 mg/L (auto-scaling) | Temperature 0.1°C | Barometer 0.1 mmHg
Storage Temperature-20 to 70°C
Unit of MeasureDissolved Oxygen - % air saturation and mg/L | Temperature - °C, °F, K | Barometric Pressure - mmHg, inHg, mBar, Psi, KPa
User CalibratableYes
User ReplaceableYes - cable assembly with built-in probe is replaceable
Warranty3-year instrument; 2-year field cables, 1-year sensor cap
floats, IP-67 (even with the battery cover off and cable disconnected)

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